Thank you so much to all the parishioners who have supported youth ministry with prayers, words of encouragement and through various forms of financial support. Your contributions through the annual Youth Ministry Sunday Collection and other means during the year have helped to grow our ministry.
The efforts of youth ministry have produced many fruits and we are blessed to have many leaders who all have one mission: to bring our young people closer to Jesus Christ through the sacraments, scripture and everyday service to others.
We would like to thank you specifically for your unending support though the annual Youth Ministry Sunday collection. You may be wondering where the money goes. Because of the contributions from our parish, the Archdiocese (via the Ministries and Outreach Office is able to offer training, formation at a diocesan level which in turn supports the parishes. 50% of the money collected at our parish comes back to us directly and is used for our own parish youth ministry needs and efforts. The criteria for receiving the rebate from the Archdiocese is as follows (from :
Our parish has been using the Comprehensive Youth Ministry Model as guidance in fulfilling the vision of youth ministry for many years already. Specifically, Life Teen has a vibrant group of leaders and teens who are serving at Mass, gathering and sharing their faith, serving others in the community and bringing their faith to others beyond our parish grounds. This past summer, we sent 3 teens to YouthLeader where they were given practical and spiritual Christian leadership training. These teens, along with some veteran young adults leaders will be embarking on a new journey with Grade 6 & 7 youth in our parish. With the help of parishioners, and of course with the support of Father Abundo, we are now able to expand and you should expect to see a new outreach initiative in early 2018. Stay tuned for more information about “Edge”!
It is only with your prayers, the grace of God and financial support that we are able to offer opportunities for faith formation for our young parishioners. We ask that you continue to pray for this important ministry and especially for the youth in our parish. Thank you!
If you're interested in seeing what we're up to, visit our social media at:
Instagram: iclifeteen
Facebook: IC Life Teen
Twitter: iclifeteen
Snapchat: iclifeteen