Saint Frances Xavier Cabrini
November 13, 2020
Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ:
On Monday, October 27, Dr. Bonnie Henry, Provincial Health Officer for British Columbia, made the following statement: “It is now the expectation that people will wear a non-medical mask in public spaces.” In light of this statement and in order to mitigate the spread of COVID-19 in our Province, I am urging that all parishioners wear masks during Holy Mass, except for the reception of Holy Communion. Exceptions are made, of course, for those who cannot wear a mask because of a disability or medical condition.
I wish also to take this occasion to remind everyone that, as a result of direct consultation with the Public Health Officer and for the safety of all, the faithful are strongly recommended to receive Holy Communion only on the hand, for the duration of the pandemic.
With cordial greetings and the assurance of my prayers for you and your families, I remain
Sincerely yours in Christ,
+ J. Michael Miller, CSB
Archbishop of Vancouver