The greeting, "Christ is risen"; resounds in a new and unfamiliar situation for many of us. We find ourselves celebrating Easter not in brightly decorated churches filled with joyful parishioners, happy families and visitors, but in the midst of solitude and emptiness that has enveloped our world. This is due to the emergence of a virus known as COVID-19 that remains frightfully confusing for many people in our communities and all over the world.
It is all right to lament the loss of gathering on Easter Sunday. It is understandable that we may grieve as our Easter traditions and family gatherings are delayed. Know that our God is providing us new possibilities to gather, share and re-imagine how to be community in this challenging time. Let us continue to heed the call of the authorities to stay at home and trust that our loving God abides with us.
Many of us are probably thinking and hoping that our churches would be open for Easter services; that we would be able to visit our family on Easter day and that the coronavirus would be on its way out by now.
Though we are not having any public services, through the wonder of television and social media, we can pray together as a family from our homes and our friends can participate from a distance. We can lighten the load for one another through humor and socially distanced activities. We realize that in the midst of our disappointments and losses, the presence of God is still very much with us.
We have the unique opportunity to be people of hope and promise. In the midst of a seemingly dark time, we are surrounded by the newness and beauty of spring, a powerful sign of the new life God promises us.
Let us continue to pray together as a community, encourage self-care and caution. This experience has created more reflective time, more time for prayer, gentle exercise and appreciation of the beauty of nature, more opportunity to reach out to others through phone calls and other space-spanning technology. Lets fervently pray for healthcare workers and other essential service providers on the frontline of the Coronavirus.
On behalf of Father Camillus and Fr. John, may the risen Lord bestow upon you and your loved ones His gifts of Easter joy, hope and peace.
Sincerely yours in Christ,
Rev. Amador M. Abundo